Thursday, October 14, 2010


The book, GOD'S HEALING HOPE: BREAKING THE STRONGHOLDS OF WRONG THINKING, by John Livingston Clark, is the story of how the author broke free from the bondage of wrong thinking, much of which was incorrect church or biblical teachings. It is available on Please scroll down to the bottom of this page for more information and to click on the links for ordering.

Friday, August 6, 2010


HEALING HOPE MINISTRIES is a unique ministry designed to help Christians, especially the 20-30 age group, identify and break free from the bondage of incorrect religious and "biblical" teachings, that hold a person back from spiritual maturity and moving ahead successfully in life.

Each person has grown up with a particular set of beliefs. Some of these beliefs have been caused by incorrect biblical teaching. These beliefs can become so engrained in a person's subconscious that they are not even aware of how that belief is affecting their life in a negative way.

Even though this ministry can apply to any age, it is particularly focused on younger people between the ages of 20-30, give or take several years. This is the time when incorrect beliefs which a person has developed over the last 18-20 years, will begin to be manifested in the real world of marriage and family, vocation, success, God's will, spiritual walk, and virtually every area of life. This is also the age at which people will find out whether or not all of the beliefs that they have grown up with, are bringing positive results in their lives, or are they on a downhill slide? The negative results of wrong beliefs sometimes do not surface until later in life, and in more overt and serious forms. These beliefs and their outward manifestations are often hidden from people, especially when they attend church and act and talk like everything is fine. This is why the motto of this ministry is: Helping Heal Hidden Hurts.

What makes Healing Hope Ministries unique from all other healing and recovery ministries, is that it focuses on helping people in this age group evaluate and examine their lives, to see if it is moving in a positive direction in every area. If it is not, hopefully, the wrong belief from the past will be identified and corrected, so that the individual can move forward in spiritual maturity and success in life. This is done through writing, speaking and mentoring.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


There are 12 areas that young Christians in this age group may find helpful when it comes to evaluating how their lives are progressing, in terms of both spiritual walk and overall success in life and relationships. They are not in any particular order. In each of these life assessment areas, there is wrong church or biblical teachings, that have caused people's lives to not progress and mature in the way that God has intended. I can speak on each or all of these 12 areas, giving examples of wrong teachings, and providing questions for self-evaluation. Here are the 12 areas:

1. Success and goal setting.
2. Money and giving.
3. Healing and forgiveness.
4. Marriage and family.
5. God's will and calling.
6. Self-esteem.
7. Emotional baggage.
8. Biblical interpretation.
9. Church attendance.
10. Life purpose and passion.
11. Lordship and discipleship.
12. Know what you believe and why you believe it.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Here are a few examples of what I mean concerning wrong teachings in some of the life assessment areas that need to be revisited and corrected:
l. Many Christians have been taught that if one has a Christ-centered marriage, you will have a better marital relationship, when in reality about 40% of even Christian marriages end in divorce.
2. Wrong biblical teaching concerning submission and headship in marriage has led, in some cases, to spousal abuse on one extreme, and passivity on the other.
3. Many Christian leaders teach that God's will for one's life has to be discovered, when in fact, the Bible already clearly states God's will for all believers.
4. Many Christians quote Romans 8:28, "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose," in times of adversity, to mean that circumstances will get better, when in fact, this verse has nothing to do with circumstances getting better, because the context clearly refers to developing Godly character. This kind of taking verses out of context leads to a questioning of one's salvation and love for God. God can and does make good out of bad, but this is not the verse to use to support that teaching.
This incorrect thinking must be broken if one is to live the life of freedom and liberation that God intends for Christians to live. If these examples have generated food for thought, and possibly even some controversy, I welcome your comments.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This is my story of breaking free from low self-esteem, anger, depression, and other forms of incorrect thinking. You can learn more about the book and view the Table of Contents by clicking on "comments" at the bottom of this page, below the picture of the book cover, or by clicking on the colored links. If you or someone you know answers yes to any of the following questions, my ministry could possibly be of help to you. Everyone of these questions used to be an issue in my life.
l. Have any early church experiences or teachings hindered your life?
2. Are there any Scripture verses that are confusing to you and "tripping you up," so that you are unable to mature as a Christian and progress in your life in general?
3. Is your marriage not going the way you think it should, as a Christian?
4. Are you not experiencing the life of abundance the Bible says you can have? (I am not talking about wealth or prosperity here, but rather things like fruits of the Spirit, relationships, and good health.)
5. Have you been exposed to religious phrases like "just turn it over to Jesus," "don't run ahead of God," or "just wait on the Lord," which can be confusing or meaningless to you?
6. Do you read the Bible and pray but still have the same problems year after year?
7. Are you bound by the expectations of other religious people?
8. Do you have a difficult time balancing and reconciling becoming successful with spiritual surrender?
9. Do you struggle with low self-esteem, anger, and depression, and if a man, with pornography?
10. Are you confused about and possibly held back in life over the concept of "God's will and calling?
11. Did you come out of high school with unresolved hurts and issues that have made you feel poorly of yourself?
12. Do you expect things to happen in your life based on a single, isolated verse of Scripture, which is possibly taken out of context?
13. Have you ever asked yourself if what your church teaches is the same as what the Bible says?
14. Are there any particular Bible passages that don't seem to "work" for you?
15. Are you biblically literate enough to know what the Bible teaches about any given subject?
16. As a Christian, are you experiencing any of the following? Low self-esteem, anger, confusion regarding God's will, a dysfunctional marriage or family, or lack of success in your life?


I can speak on a large variety of topics dealing with helping people identify and overcome wrong beliefs and past hurts/issues that block spiritual maturity. These topics include emotional issues, relational problems, motivational talks, salvation messages, recovery, and successful Christian living. There are also 20 questions in the back of my book that can be topics for speaking or small group discussion. I also give talks and seminars on writing and self-publishing. My topics are designed primarily for college/career, recovery ministries, and men's ministries. I am available to speak at Christian camps, churches, seminars/retreats, Christian schools, and rescue missions. Anyone interested in having a comprehensive list of 30 specific talks by title can contact me and I will mail it to you. Please leave me your complete address, along with your postal code.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The retail price is $13.95. The book can be ordered directly from Trafford Publishing by calling 1-888-232-4444. It can be previewed by using this link,, and by going online to Google Books. Click on the link below for ordering information from Thanks for your order and I hope that you enjoy reading my book.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

God's Healing Hope: Breaking the Strongholds of Wrong Thinking

Contact Information:
Healing Hope
P.O. Box 616
Zillah, Washington 98953 USA